Monday, March 28, 2016

Six Tips For Freelance Copywriters To Improve SEO Copywriting

The ranking of any business website or blog portal is measured by the quality of information served. Today, serving the latest information is a great challenge for the website managers and SEO experts because nothing remains latest just within few seconds because repeated quick access to social media channels has become a common habit of all the mobile internet surfers. The parallel challenges to get the impressive Google rank are to create and curate the engaging digital content inspiring the users to buy, comment, share or re-visit. All these complex aspects are making the content writing a job for specialists with experience and knowledge; ultimately, quality content costs more.
Hiring freelance copywriters in India is being favoured as the most suitable solution to keep the overall promotion cost within budget. It is a good sign for the freelance copywriters or the writing services providers but they need to be extra smart in impressing the clients; following six tips may help you improve SEO copywriting:

1.       User intent decides the quality. Serve the precise and easy to understand information that the particular audience segment desires.

2.       RankBrain is the 3rd top Google’s ranking signal to generate search results. The information   was shared in Bloomberg interview  at Google Greg Corrado. Bloomberg article confirms that Google is turning its traditional web searching methodology over to AI Machines. Use more search queries to make your content noticed by the most powerful search engine. 

3.       Keywords are still the organic part of digital content but using chasing these few words in meaningless style serves no purpose.

4.       You might have forgotten Google Panda appeared all sudden years before to shack up the ranking of even the best performers. Update your writing skill and style to respect latest Google Panda 4.2 update.

5.       Phantom II appeared in May 2015. It strikes on page level. It means you need to focus the quality of web content of each page.

6.       Media insertion has become a global practice for effective SEO copywriting. Google have started to punish self-starting videos; give an encouraging title to your video and let the user decide to play.  

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