Saturday, April 2, 2016

Have You Updated Content Development Approach As Per Google Updates?

Most of updates by Google in 2015 are related to content quality in one way or the other. The intent is to provide authentic and precise information as per users’ intent. Just included Rankbrain is sure to make the search engines smarter because of assistance from machine learning technology. Should the content development for SEO marketing – SEO services still be oriented to Google AdWords smart keywords? Some online marketers have already started a buzz about the decreasing importance of Google Keyword planner and the suggested keywords but I still believe that the fine filtered keywords still play major role in traffic pulling and website ranking.  

SEO Content Providers Need to Change Writing Approach:

Even the experienced copywriters need to change their approach. Until few years back, the focus used to be upon the strategic use of keywords at prominent spots under defined 2-3 % density in content but now the content needs to hit the intention of user. Users want the best and precise information that they need. If the content draws their attention because of the familiar keywords, words phrases, synonyms, pictures, videos etc, it is good to deliver the ranking benefits otherwise the investment for getting and sharing even the best informative content goes waste. Today, numbers of small sized content provider companies offer writing services with big promises at surprisingly low price but most of these follow traditional approach of creating content highlighting few keywords. The takeaway- Invest best for the best quality content that could engage and convince the users.

Six Critical Elements of Google Friendly Content Development:   

Before going ahead, just have peek into some content oriented algorithms updates: Hummingbird, Panda, Penguin, Quality Update etc. All of these were rolled out to punish the websites with poor quality content or using spammy tricks to appear in search results. It is the time to support the Google’s spree of search results refinement to deliver the best surfing experience to internet users. If we analyze these quality updates, we can draw a strategy for effective content writing. Here, I summarize Six Critical Elements that every SEO Content Provider should respect:

1.       Make it specific: Be intentional with a particular theme for specific audience.
2.       Make it Measurable: Install Google analytics to measure the traffic and explore the results.
3.       Make it Actionable: Don’t forget to track the published content. Act to make it noticed wide.
4.       Make it Realistic: Create the content as the mirror of business, services and the goals.  
5.       Make it Time oriented: Share the time oriented content that is expected during the particular period.   
6.       Make it SEO oriented: Users intent is important but you can't neglect the likings of search engines also.